For what seemed an eternity, I finally approached someone’s backyard. What joyous noise to hear their dog bark. A little boy came running out into the backyard and said, “What’s the matter?” I said, “I fell off my bike and need help”. The ambulance came and I was in shock. I spent 5 days in the hospital. I was informed my back was broken, I would have to wear a body cast for 3 months and would never be able to snow ski or participate in extreme sports. The doctors told me I was millimeters away from being paralyzed and that I would need metal rods in my back in the near future. I refused to accept that. I went home and immediately started researching alternative options.
First I had a yoga instructor design a program for me to do with a broken back. This was the beginning of my healing process. I then proceeded to follow the guidance of the books I was reading. The book which had the greatest impact on me at the time was “Spontaneous Healing” by Andrew Weil, M.D. I immediately started incorporating what I was learning into my daily regimen. It made a difference…all the difference.
I am extremely happy to say that I still ride my bike, however not as intensely as I once did; I am a bit wiser these days. I also go snow skiing every year, among the myriad of other physical activities I engage in. I have so much gratitude, and give thanks daily for my continued health and wellness.
It was my own experience of the healing powers of foods, herbs, creative visualization and yoga, which compelled me to continue on the path towards studying complementary and alternative modalities.
I am a clinical herbalist with a master’s degree in Complementary Alternative Medicine (C.A.M.). I specialize in medicinal plants and nutrition, with an emphasis on interactions of herbs, foods, and medicines, contraindications and safety. I look at healing the whole person through the use of herbs, essential oils, foods and mindfulness techniques. I create custom protocols and blends with herbs, essential oils, foods, and supplements to promote healing and balance.
The handmade, custom blends are of therapeutic quality herbs and essential oils, created to meet the individual needs of each client. All of the medicinal plant extracts and essential oils used are obtained from small distillers all over the world, organic and sustainable whenever possible and tested to ensure purity. As we all deal with daily whirlwinds of stress, I have blends tailored to help calm the nervous system, promote balance and assist in creating ease. Please click the shop tab above for more details.
My intention is to assist in building the much needed bridge between conventional medicine and C.A.M. – a bridge fully supported so as the client/patient can walk back and forth uninhibited, for the purpose of creating optimal wellness. I totally support integrating alternative modalities with conventional medicine, and work closely with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.
Heather holds a Bachelor of Science from Florida State University (FSU). For 10 years she was the Executive Director of a non-profit, educational research organization. She ran a Community Supported Agricultural (CSA) project for 3 years during this time. Heather then went on to become a graduate of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) with a Master of Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). She now practices at Sarasota Healing Arts in Sarasota, Florida, as a Holistic Wellness Facilitator specializing in Clinical Herbalism.
Heather is currently a member of the American Herbalists Guild, a highly respected association of professional herbalists. She is a member of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), as well as United Plant Savers, a non-profit education organization dedicated to preserving native medicinal plants. She is also a member of The Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit educational organization which researches nutrient-dense foods as well as explores “the scientific validation of dietary, agricultural and medical traditions throughout the world”.
Recent conferences and workshops attended include:
- 2011 & 2012 Annual National Symposium for The American Herbalists Guild
- 2013 Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) Conference and Wellness Expo
- 2013 Southeast Wise Women Herbal Conference
- 2013 Margi Flint on Herbalism workshop
- 2014 Botanica: International Plant Medicine in Ireland
- 2014 National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)
- 2014 Reading the Body with Margi Flint
- 2014 The Energetics of Essential Oils with Peter Holmes
- 2015 Great Lakes Herb Faire
- 2015 Annual National Symposium for the American Herbalists Guild
- 2016 Florida Herbal Conference
- 2016 Allegheny Herbal Case Study Round Table Intensive
- 2016 TCM Tongue and Pulse with Miles Coleman, Herbalist
- 2017 Annual National Symposium for the American Herbalists Guild
- 2018 Cannabis Science Conference
- 2018 Annual National Symposium for the American Herbalists Guild